速報APP / 教育 / CBSE Class VII Maths Solutions

CBSE Class VII Maths Solutions





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


CBSE Class VII Maths Solutions(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to CBSE Class VII Maths Solutions.

This Book consists of 15 Chapters Solutions

1. Integers

2. Fractions and Decimals

3. Data Handling

4. Simple Equations

5. Lines and Angles

6. The Triangle and its Properties

7. Congruence of Triangles

CBSE Class VII Maths Solutions(圖2)-速報App

8. Comparing Quantities

9. Rational Numbers

10. Practical Geometry

11. Perimeter and Area

12. Algebraic Expressions

13. Exponents and Powers

14. Symmetry

15. Visualising Solid Shapes

One can navigate to all chapters by clicking on the menu button (3 horizontal lines on top of the screen) or swipe from left of the screen to see the navigation drawer and select appropriate options. There is also an option to bookmark chapters for easy access when you navigate through chapters list and see the content of the specific chapter.

CBSE Class VII Maths Solutions(圖3)-速報App

I hope you will have fun and enjoy the CBSE Class VII Maths Solutions app (NCERT Solutions).